Tuesday, June 28, 2005

local construction foreman is hottt

I guess I didn't really need to name my post this, but I almost did the day I got the dentist chair. The construction man in question is Chad, the guy who is in charge of the demolition of the Raasch pharmacy building, though he can't be more than 25. He does wear a bling chain, but it's not intense like Ol Dirty Bastard or anything, and on the plus side he has the construction worker physique (tan to the point of sun-burn and a build evident of manual labor--if I lived in Oklahoma circa 1857, I imagine my prairie husband would be hot like this, since he chops wood and hoes our fields all day). When Chad came over to drop off the dentist chair (and he did need the help of four of his Mexican co-workers--and it leaked green oil all over the back of his truck!) my mom was baking cookies and fudge brownies in the kitchen and said, with a mixing bowl in her hand, oooo-wee, he's cute! I thought that was funny. Then later she said it brought her back to the days when she was into construction workers (??? I have no idea when this was...in Greencastle, IN while in college? When married to my dad in the 70s? Confused.) But anyways, I think blue-collar men are attractive bc they know how to fiddle around with shit, and fix things, and they're relatively simple in their tastes, and they work with their hands...actually there's a lot of reasons why they're hot, but in the end, I don't think I could marry a construction worker, unless he was heavy in the same movies, music or books I was. Then I'd reconsider.

But at dinner tonight, I had a giant rage-a-thon with my parents, and I realized I need to move out asap. Like, not just asap, but ASAP. I'm considering fishing a refridgerator box out of the dumpsters at Best Buy and setting up shop on the corner just in retaliation of how stupid I feel having to appease my parents, and live like I'm a 58 or 59 year old person. And granted, that is a pretty immature concept: retaliation at ones' parents, but I do feel like their treatment of me is equally as immature. My dad's main problem is the fact that I used to lie and manipulate a lot, like when I had the Honda the weekend of New Year's and me and Katie decided to go to meet up with my brother and his friends, then the Honda got towed outside of some North Side bar. I never told my dad, but he's smart and his (new) car felt like it was running weird and then he found the receipt from the towing company in the car (my fault, I'm a retard)...but then I lied to his face, after he already knew the car had been towed. And this is only one example of how I've been a fuck-up in the eyes of my parents, but it was the most recent one (over six months ago?) and it's stuck in Rog's brain. Long story short, I'm clashing with my parents by living with them and being reminded of inconsistencies on a daily basis and I 'm getting to the point where I'm so frustrated that I just want to start breaking dishes! But I can't, for obvious reasons. So I'm secretly researching apts, and trying to get out as soon as possible. The first floor apartment below Chris and Dave will be open in late August, so that's an option, but I'm going to start Craigs-listing apartments so things don't get too Beau&Dacia for the Skerrett siblings.

Found this quote in an older issue of Entertainment Weekly in the book review section, and I want to read this book called "You Poor Monster" pretty much bc this quote is in it and it made me think: "The lives of...everyone we will ever meet are essentially unknowable. All we can ever know about them are the stories they tell us, and if those stories aren't true, what then? What then?" That's why the blogworld (or the Internet, or bars, or reality for that matter) is unsafe...not unsafe like watch out for rapists, but unsafe bc some people are better than others at detecting minor bullshit or full-on pathological lying. It gets very confusing pitting the naive against the cynical, and then everyone who falls between. I don't know...I'm getting very frustrated bc I feel like the people in my life I come into regular contact with keep telling me to stop being so "intense" and to "calm down" and be "less hostile" but I don't know how to make anyone understand that I am keeping myself in check. If I truly had no internal censor, I would be breaking dishes and screaming in peoples' faces and laughing and crying and whatevs I feel like doing at that very moment. But I'm not. I'm being direct, and too bad if my family and others are taking this as a personal "fuck you" bc I'm not acting how I always have. I know I should give them a little more credit, like maybe they need time to deal with change, etc. but I feel like the response I'm getting is making me want to seek out new people or shut myself up somewhere with a pen or my computer and not TALK. Last summer, I couldn't talk. Now I can, but feel like I shouldn't bc I might step on somebody's toes. But the latter feeling is a feeling, and I know that I have to do what's best for myself, not be cautious of how Joe Z might react to this comment, or how Sally X might not want to hear something that possibly challenges them.

Okay, that was pretty risky. Hello, blogs can be read by anyone. However, I am on the safe side, since I'm pretty sure the only person who reads this is me, and Tommy, so... hey Tommy! And what's a blog if you're making up how you're feeling? I don't have enough energy to craft another way to write on this thing; I just have to write what I feel like writing.

But Zach is picking me up, and we're going to see that movie "Land of the Dead," the last of the Romero movies. I will probably be back to type later bc I won't be able to sleep for fear of zombies...crap, I think it's going to be really scary. Or at least way more realistic than the previous movies. Okay, I've only seen the first two, and I loved the original "Dawn of the Dead." This last installment better be jam-packed with cultural references and Romero's current feelings on war, commercialism, and the state of America. Or at least, lots of gory flesh-eating and zombie-murdering by ass-kicking heroes/heroines!

Oh, p.s. I think I'm getting tickets to this soon since, like other well-known music fests (Coachella, Winter Music Conference, etc), it will sell out, or the price will continue to rise as better groups sign on to do it. I love New Orleans anyways, and I can't imagine being there during Halloween, my fav holiday! Don't know who I might go with, perhaps I can convince Anna or Will...or Tommy? My Chemical Romance will be there, and I know how they're practically your favorite band ever. I myself will go for Tiesto, Flaming Lips, and New York Dolls...okay, and probably Billy Idol too.
VOODOO MUSIC FEST Oct. 29-30New Orleans, LA Initial lineup announced for Voodoo Music Fest! This weekend, advance pre-sale tickets available through the Voodoo MySpace profile page. Rock out on Halloween weekend to NIN, The Flaming Lips, Queens of the Stone Age, Billy Idol, Social Distortion, The New York Dolls, My Chemical Romance, DJ Tiesto and more.


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