Wednesday, June 29, 2005

whoa. "Land of the Dead."

Just got back from Romero's "Land of the Dead" and I've already decided I must see it two, maybe three more times. So much to each frame, and Romero is so complete & thorough in his vision, that I feel you could almost watch it on mute and get somewhat of the same effect. Of course, you won't get that delicious sound of zombies pulling lungs out of somebody's mouth or slurping the bloody flesh off a femur. I also want to re-read some papers I wrote in my Horror Film class, especially this one comparing "Dawn of the Dead" and Craven's "Last House on the Left" because both were made during the era of Vietnam and the directors' malaise with the distance between the war and the vibes of commercialism/capitalism that permeated America. I kind of want to go look for that right now. And then rent "Last House on the Left" and Cronenberg's "Shivers"; there was so many parallels between symbology in "Shivers" and the latest Romero movie that I wonder who influenced whom. But I did love how Romero made this so current and resonant, not just because of the enduring imagery of zombies as shells of people, but because Dennis Hopper (as this corrupt corporate boss of the city) actually said, "We do NOT negotiate with terrorists." You know Romero didn't write this screenplay 15 or even 10 years ago and sat on it, waiting for the right time. He's been actively working on this, and there probably will be a fifth. I hope he doesn't die before he can make a fifth...this zombie metaphor could be applied to any generation and after tonight's movie, I realized the message I left with was (after Zach said, "I liked how the zombies were the good guys" on our walk to the car): there are no good or bad guys; everyone just essentially is. Even if you're a zombie or a human, no one in Romero's films are flawless, even the hero Simon Baker and heroine Asia Argento. (She was a prostitute--at one point, she was in a cage match with two chained-up zombies!) I can't wait to see it again, and get more obsessed with it. Oh, but in a way, I bet Romero did wait until the right technological time to film this movie; no way was there technology like this when "Night of the Living Dead" or even "Day of the Dead" was made. And who knows where movies will be at when he makes a fifth one? Yikes, I might park my flying car at a movie theater in the sky, like the Jetsons.

Hmmm...kind of sleepy, but I have lots of stuff to read. I'm not as ranty as before, so I think it was good I left my house and saw a movie. Oh, one more reason I liked "LOTD" was because there was this ghetto Irishman who was friends with Simon Baker and carried around rifles and whiskey named...Mulligan! I swear, I didn't make that up.


At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many "...of the dead" will there be? Night, Day, Land, Shaun, Dawn.

How about "Cruise of the Dead"? A giant boat in the carribean filled with scientologists passes through the bermuda triangle. L. Ron Hubbard's corpse happens to be on-board and he springs to life. one zombie turns to two, two turns to four, etc. The two heros are none-other than Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards (Mave and Goose), protecting Katie Holmes from having her brains eaten. Wait, the twist is that the zombies starve because scientologists clearly have no brains! Ha! Cruise of the Dead. Let's sell the treatment to hollywood.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

based on the hot inside scoop you just gave me (sounds dirty doesn't it?), we'll have to revise our treatment. instead, it's a gay cruise. A cross between Boat Trip (Horatio Sans and Cuba Gooding Jr. on a gay cruise), and one of the classic "of the dead" movies.

There will be a HOTT love scene between TC and you know who, with a slowed down remix of "I don't wanna be lonely no more / I don't wanna have to pay for this / whoa-oh-oh-oh / i don't want another lover at my [back]door / don't want another heartache on my... " Maybe we can get diana ross or gloria gainer to sing it.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger SES said...

"the hot inside scoop" doesn't sound so dirty...just sounds like a normal Saturday afternoon for TC and Rob Thomas. Ha ha, that's almost more graphic than salad tossing.

btw, Gloria really DOES spell her name "Gay"nor, which only makes her appearance in this movie more fitting.

I'm kind of obsessed with "Cruise of the Dead"--could we make the movie before we get divorced and our "we're in love" charade is exposed? Hmmm..we'll have to see how next week plays out. We might be pregnant by then!


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