Monday, January 15, 2007

new blogger is not much of an improvementover old blogger

I hope they post this blog in the section on the homepage called "Blogs of Note" (or something)...that's what I really think of new blogger,!

But really, I'm not seeing a striking difference with new blogger, aka beta. Then again, I'm not that technological so maybe there are so great improvements that I just don't know about/am too dumb to use.

Sidenote: the whistling mail delivery guy is in the office. He's a fantastic whistler and you always know when he's in the building. I wonder if his lips get parched easily if he whistles all day. Or if when he gets home, he takes a break from whistling, as he's been at it all day and it's pretty much a job requirement for him now because he's "the whistling guy."

So I joined facebook, and man, it's tough! No easy stalking on facebook, you actually have to seek people out to be your friends in order to see their profile. And call me an official dweeb as I have 2 blogs, a myspace, and a facebook account. While on the other hand, kristin has deleted her blog Your Cranium Called (will I kill the link to it on the right? no way), is taking a respite from myspace, and convinced me to join facebook. Which is just another way to let people know where you are every minute of the day. Today I'm "at the libes" having just gotten home from January 12 update "at a party."

Don't have any projects at work so I'm going to read "American Psycho" the Bret Easton Ellis book. Have only read "Less Than Zero" by him, but thought it was a better vehicle as a movie with Robert Downey Jr than in book form. Anyone read this book? The themes are usually similar in each Ellis book, but for some reason he was like a literary superhero in the 80s. Also, I think it's cool that he has recurring characters in most of his books, as if you can just check with with a character at different points of his life, even though he's a minor character and not in the main plot of the book. Another also I've taken to cutting things out of O magazine lately. For some reason the pictures they find for different articles are great, so I guess you could say I read it for the pictures, like most people read Playboy for the articles. Another magazine like that is Real Simple, but they have an all-around great magazine with useful tips, full of good pics and ads. Ads I usually use for my ransom notes, but nothing is more entertaining to me than a good ad campaign. One ad campaign I'm not liking is the Jetta car crash commercials. We get it, accidents come out of nowhere and are unexpected, but god. Could you go back to the "drivers wanted" on the road of life ads? Jetta is tainting it's image with all this seriousness.

I'm going to try to update celebdish today, even though there's not much Hollywood gossip today. And I realize text-only posts may fly on this blog, but no way in hell will it work with celebdish. Like you want to read about Britney throwing up all over her new boyf without the pics of him with puke on his hands (which later turned out to be peanut butter paste-??). The pics are all the fun.

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