im down for this weekend, though karaoke might have to compete with a new pool table...
no i think you can spell it titty, i was just making a bad joke. by the way, i know you googled "titty" before posting so don't act like you didntna...
why do I waste my time in supermarket checkout lines perusing which latest starlet is suffering from an eating disorder? or why do I watch "Entertainment Tonight" despite my extreme distaste for Mary Hart?
In short, it's this: [Einfuhlung]...a term coined in 1903 by a student of aesthetics named Theodore Lipps. He was searching for a way to express the strangely intimate emotional connection that arises between a viewer and an onstage performer. He used the example of watching an acrobat stepping across a high wire, that moment of breathless suspension when audience members gasp as if they themselves were teetering on a tightrope; the sense of, as Lipps described it, "I feel myself inside of him." Lipps defined empathy as an "inner foreign experiences." Cognitive scientists refer to this ability to read another's feelings, thoughts, or intentions as a "theory of mind."
from Field Notes on the Compassionate Life by Mark Ian Barasch
whats a "titty bar?" you mean like one of those pria protein bars?
did i spell titty wrong? should it be tittie? i really did debate the spelling.
steve, get ready for a dedication to you on celeb dish. and when are we karaoking? how about this weekend? done.
Speaking of celebs:
im down for this weekend, though karaoke might have to compete with a new pool table...
no i think you can spell it titty, i was just making a bad joke. by the way, i know you googled "titty" before posting so don't act like you didntna...
i liked steve's joke.
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