my scattered the park...I think it was the fourth of July
So after Ruby served up a couple of these, and a bucket of beer...I got down to my deadline.And I'm busily writing away, about a hospital in northeastern Ohio, occasionally stopping for cigarettes and to chat with Ruby or check the score.
The next day, after having forgotten my folders, briefcase and notebook at Kenny's, I took a peek at my story and my writing definitely looked like this -->
This is actually quite beautiful and Naskhi script from the 18th century, but my drunken scrawl is illegible, and worse, filled with metaphors. Ugh.
Then I went over to Ben, Will and Erich's and watched "The Wedding Crashers." Still don't understand the mystique of the Butterscotch Stallion, aka Yam Nose Owen Wilson. BUT I do understand the mystique of their brown leather couch. Niiice.
Afterwards, Ben and I went on the ride that's in the background of Will's cool time-elapsed merry-go-round. I'm not sure what the name of it is, but it tore me a new one. And screaming was so much fun. It reminds me of in high school when we would drink in our parent's cars and scream at random people on the street, and I mean scream, bloody murder. But the biggest thing to note was that I brought my purse on the ride. On the ride that goes upside-down repeatedly. That's like its whole schtick, but I seemed to have missed that.
So then Equal was showering out of the skies from out of my purse, and people were dodging the falling packets. Luckily Ben caught my wallet. I know I'm weird to carry around Equal packets but seriously, you never know when you'll need artificial sweetener.
Then I ate it on the ramp coming down from the ride. Slippery slopes + dangerously pointy shoes do not mix.
And later, we all had to do perverse things with Mini-me. He's becoming at staple lately, making appearances everywhere. Hopefully, Steph will post her pics of the fun house massacre after they all went playing at the carnival after closing because I was back on the leather couch at this point and not moving for anything. Even a Kelly-made frappe, which was quite good. Add a dose of Equal = perfect.
Yam nose? I never heard that before but it def made me laugh out loud at work. I dont think the man is attractive in the least. His brother isn't cute either. Ug, chin and nose issues?
They should make another sweetner called "less than."
are you trying to say that vince vaughn is a brown leather couch?
I believe the proper term would be "burnts." I didn't know that Vince was one. He hides it well with a lot of make up and fat I guess.
to the only friend that visited me at kenny's!
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