Monday, November 05, 2007

I posted this "goodbye letter" from Passive Aggressive Notes for a couple of reasons.
1. The subject heading; a lot of people use "holla" lately

2. We have not yet received a farewell email at my company in this vein; and by vein I mean it's weird. It takes a bit of investigating to understand what he's doing with the whole "Metro, this is _______." opening/closing. At first I thought he was being creative and poetic, like when you're on an airplane and the captain gets on the intercom saying, "Southwest, this is your captain speaking. Blah blah turbulence blah peanuts blah cruising altitude." But then I realized that was how this staff writer answered his phone, so he was just inserting bitter irony into a job that was ummm, interesting, as he puts it. Usually our farewell emails are after the kooky office party where people stand around awkwardly, waiting for the departing to give some sort of speech while everyone stares expectantly at the spread of food on the conference table. The email comes about 15 mins after the party organizers begin cleaning up, and it's very cheery, like "You guys are the best!! Here's my contact info, KIT!!" So this rather salty email from a disgruntled staff writer made me laugh. It reminded me of when Erich posted his goodbye email to his work, and it was basically an office supplies free-for-all.

I was going to post two other successive photos from PAN, but I haven't been on blogger in so long, I can't remember if when you post a photo, it goes straight to the top of the post, or if it goes below a previously posted photo. Sheesh, I give up. Basically, it was a photo of a pink sign posted in some dorm bathroom by "Lisa" who says something to the effect of: "Hey girls! Love sharing space with you but I'd super appreciate it if you cleaned the hair out of the drains after you finish showering! <3 :)!!!! Lisa" In the lower right corner, there's a huge dick and balls drawn in blue pen with a little stick figure sucking it labeled "Lisa". The follow-up gets ugly, when Lisa drops the nice girl act and posts a sign that says, "Dear Nasty motherfucker, I will fucking kill you if I find you. You vandalize my notes and keep leaving hair. You must like living in a den of filth. I will fucking pull out your hair. Stop." Written in angry red marker too. It was a hysterical progression, I even think there's more, as the vandalism and hair-leaving continued, but I didn't copy them all.

My WWII book got dumped, or at least put on the back burner, so I'm back to doing 1999 People mag crosswords, or if I'm lucky, someone leaves a copy of today's RedEye on the freebie table and I do that crossword. I may just post again today.



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