Saturday, July 02, 2005

thank goodness for Dorans


wow, early morning on the Doran's couch. Thanks Joe, for 1) not allowing me to drive home; though I got a ticket, I'm preparing to contest it at the WS Village Hall on Wed July 6 {the officer's name was Budd! I swear!}, finally the debate situation I've been craving even though I realize it will be completely one-sided (aren't all my debates?) but I can't wait for next week. I am dressing up like a district attorney; 2) setting an alarm and taking my shoes off! I know your mom would FA-reak if she knew someone slept on the couch with their shoes on, but my mom is the same way, so I totally get it. AND my brother called about two minutes before the alarm went off so I was already ready to turn it off when 9am rolled around. (I have woken Will up before and let me just say, NEVER again).

I hope you guys have fun at your fam nice to your parents. They're pretty cool, even though they're your parents (everyone thinks their parents suck--mine do occasionally, like last week for example). And Joe, why don't you start writing on your blog again? I would read it, and I'm sure other people would. I want more examples of inter-office memos, etc. and other stories of the life of a PR intern. If you can only write one thing, make it a Tootie story, please. I have to hear more about the elusive woman they call Tootie. Tell your friend Whodi I'm sorry I keep saying "Who-dee"--I realize it's wrong, but it took me a while to get the diff between COleen and COLLeen too.

Other thoughts: why the FUCK did I wear wedge sandals to work? I consciously changed and sprayed some smell good spray on me so that people here wouldn't smell my wine breath, so why didn't I just wear some flats or some flip flops or something? Dumb. Also, I had the most fun drive to work today. I am in love with Rog's Honda. This was his first splurge car ever and god, is it cool. Six-disc changer and I kept putting in more cds and I had the sunroof...oh it was great. Also, I can't remember what that song Joe played for me was. I want to say it was Fall Out Boy--no totally just remembered: Motion City Soundtrack. Gay name, they should get rid of the word "sountrack." It makes them sound worse than they really are. But I did like that song about wanting to get fucked up and die, and thanks Joe, for clearing up that it was SOCIAl suicide, not ACTUAL suicide. Because I might not like it if it was the latter over the former.

Okay, I have to "work" now. Ben is taking care of biz-nass while I'm typing so I must go and be a real employee for a little while.


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