Wednesday, July 20, 2005

blog the planet!!

I haven't seen "Hackers" in a long time, but I used to watch that movie in 7th and 8th grade like it was my fuckin J-O-B (that, "Empire Records"; "Dazed and Confused"; "Prayer of the Rollerboys"; and assorted SNL comedian movies a la "Tommy Boy" and "Happy Gilmore"). I was cool, obviously.

But everytime I'm tapa-tap-tapping away at my cool laptop (dude, it's a Dell, don't worry), I always think about that scene where the future Brangelina and her ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller are having that hack-athon to see whose the better hacker, and then I remember Matthew Lillard getting arresting and he yells, "Hack the planet! They're trashing our rights! Hack the planet"

Then I imagine a cool blog community that spray-paints their computers and roller-blades everywhere and goes to cool house parties where Prodigy is playing, and we yell, "Blog the planet!"

But really, there is no reason for anyone to blog the planet, particularly me attempting to "blog the planet." I can't even handle controlling the amount of info I put on dance the night away! The purpose in blogging is hypercommunication: presenting a glorified diary to entertain your readers (or yourself, in my case--wait, and Tommy! Btw, I sent your hate package yesterday so start getting excited in...three days...that's how long FedEX/Kinko's said it would take to get to Cambridge).

Maybe this is just another example of how I wished my life were a movie. I don't know if I'd pick "Hackers" though, as the movie I'd want to live in; Fisher Stevens (from "Short Circuit") is in it and he annoys he. He's like the poor man's Richard Lewis. Yeah, that's right, the BOKU guy. I think he has more talent than Fisher Stevens.

Okay, I'm lying. I don't know if either "actor" could out-talent one another. But I've pretty much always wanted to be in "Goonies", ever since I saw it for the first time when I was five(ish) at the Boerman's cottage in Lake Geneva. That's also a reason I went to school in Oregon--of course, I didn't tell my college counselor or my parents that; I made up some other bullshit-riffic reasons about the caliber of the english and history departments and L&C having a really "stellar study abroad program." Ah college. College #1, to be followed by College#s 2 & 3.

Well, I should take out Mulligan. She's been barking from downstairs, but I'm pretty certain she's barking at leaves or possibly sticks. There aren't any minorities on north Ashland Ave for her to bark at, so she's left barking at hydrangeas, and the occasional stroller. She leads an interesting life, that Fatty.


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