Friday, July 15, 2005

happy (almost!) Harree Pottah day!

I decided to name my post this bc I greeted a customer this way about thirteen seconds ago...I was going to call it "Wal-Mart doesn't just sell guns, they sell guitars too!" (I had to go pick up some last-minute crafting supplies last night when I got to Will's girlfriend tee and realize I was out of the GF font, and after leaving my checkout station, I saw an electric guitar and a banjo for sale! okay, lie, it wasn't a banjo, but it was some folksy guitar I can't name).

I was also going to name it "Wildlife Run-ins" bc on the way home from Katie's two nights ago, not only did I see a Japanese Albino deer walking down the middle of Woodlawn Ave (the cross-street of Ashland that has few stop signs and lots of fun bumps)!! Maybe it wasn't an Albino deer, but it was definitely walking down the center of the street as if it was a Sunday jaunt in the park. I flashed my brights to see if there really was something in the street (or if my new meds were working double overtime in hallucination-ville! j/k I really haven't had any hallucinations) and there it was...I took a picture of course. Maybe this Bemis Woods deer can meet and mate with the Japanese Albino deer, though we may have to ship the former to Toykyo for the love affair to happen.

Then when I arrived home, I was walking up my back steps and heard a rustling in the trees. Again, I thought it was my overactive imagination--what was I expecting, a wildebeast? No! A raccoon! Hanging out in the tree two feet from me! For those of you who gave me shit about carrying a flashlight in my purse, it saved my life in this instance bc I shined it in that fucker's face and told him to get off my property. I was shaking though, and muffling a scream (reminded me of high school when I used to scream bloody murder whenever I saw a possum, road-killed or alive with thousands of babies clinging to its nipples--sick!), thinking it would leap out of the tree and attack my face. Ooh, I'm still shuddering thinking about it.

My last possible post title was "BARB-e-Que at the BARB'S residence on SAT/SUN!" Then I was going to put RSVP necessary since everyone is so fond of returning phone calls when a social event is in question. And oh yes, this will be a social event. No, who am I kidding, the more I play it up and force people to come, the greater the chance of no-shows, and then it becomes me, Kate, Maura and various other gf's drinking my parents wine and shoving cigarette butts between the cracks of our backporch.

Regardless, here is what I plan on doing Sat/Sun, and anyone who reads this is welcome to join me bc I will be doing these activities with or without anyone else. All day Saturday, I'll be at the bookstore, where Harry Potter will finally be released and I'm expecting craploads of people (all hot, irritated, and book-haters). Then I babysit for my favorite comic book trio: Will, John and David, so I'll most likely be there til 11ish or 12am. Kate gets off around the same time from Bacino's so we were going to hang out at my house, maybe a little dance party, maybe some wine. I've invited my friend Larry from work, so anyone else is welcome to attend--but I do reserve bouncer privileges at my own house, since I realize obscure people might read this blog.

On Sunday, I want to 1) grill stuff; 2) use my new slip n' slide and/or the sprinkler if I can't find the slip n' slide or I realize I'm way too big to slide across 5 feet of wet rubber (ha ha, I set that one up for whomever wants to respond to it); 3) drink some beers and be in my bikini until the sun goes down.

Re: #1--I can't do that unless someone is coming who knows how to work grills. It was Rog's Father's Day present a year ago (or two?) and if he saw me tending to his grill...well, let me just say that would be a one-way ticket out of my house. I wouldn't even know what to do with it. So if you want to eat over at my house and you happen to know how to work a mondo grill (not the traditional Weber Grill, I could probs figure that out), please do come over. I'll even have an apron for you if you prefer.

Re: #s 2 and 3--I'll be doing this most definitely.

call my phone if you're interested. And not about the 5 ft wet rubber thing.


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