Saturday, August 13, 2005

here's what I did at work today...

...I mean, after I was reamed out for showing up so late.

I read the latest People mag, which had an article about Tommy Lee's new reality show on NBC where he goes back to college. I'm kind of looking forward to it, especially since I can watch it, the show being on public television and all.

Here is "Tommy Lee's Pop Quiz of High School Level Trivia Questions" which really entertained me today during the slowest day at the bookstore ever. If you think he's going to do well (the reporter said he went to college for one semester and told her that he "kicked ass"), then, well, don't delude yourself and read on:

Q. Who was the president during the Civil War?
A. Ummm, Winston Churchill? I wasn't around then, so who cares?
[Abraham Lincoln]

Q. What is an isosceles triangle?
A. Somewhere in Bermuda?
[triangle that has at least two sides that are equal]

Q. Who invented the polio vaccine?
A. Wow. George Bush?
[Jonas Salk]

Q. What's the numeric equivalent of Pi?
A. Is that the 2=MC squared thing?
[3.14, and for the record Tommy, it's E=MC squared]

Q. What was women's suffrage?
A. The boutiques closing too early?
[women's right to vote]

Q. What is a majority whip?
A. Hopefully it' s a she. Sounds like a fun party to me.
[legislator who enforces party attendance and support]

Q. When was the War of 1812?
A. I have no clue. 1812? I'm right? Ding ding ding!

My favs were the last few, and for the record, People Magazine, I don't know if I ever knew what a majority whip was, even during the US government unit in high school history, and I almost prefer Tommy Lee's definition. I also thought the War of 1812 was one of those tricky historical abstractions that wasn't actually in the year 1812, but I think I'm thinking of an Uncle John's Bathroom Reader "not as obvious as you think" quiz.

I don't know if this show will be as good as "Being Bobby Brown", especially since Tommy Lee has to be so well-behaved on NBC, but it may prove to be retardedly entertaining.


At 1:15 PM, Blogger SES said...

I heard you think about sex a lot, is that just a rumor?

and I thought your doubledate was soulmate-material.

don't know if he's into dildos and hot oils, though.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Tommie Shefsky said...

Your dad is

At 3:45 PM, Blogger SES said...

hint: evergreen-scented, since the lakehouse is like, so woodsy and stuff

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's it. i'm getting a tv.

actually, i'm thinking about starting a tv watching club on campus. that way i can just say "okay, who has the best TV? You? Okay, meetings are at your place."

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should also figure out who works at campus-area restaurants: "who has access to thai food? you? alright, you supply commerical-break munchies."

even though watching tommy lee will probably inspire me to shoot up heroin, instead of gorge on spicy noodles.

will you do an online version of your tv club? I mos def won't have cable and can only read so much about tv shows that I've never seen


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