Friday, September 02, 2005

things I forgot to mention

1. I saw "BodyWorks" this week with my parents and I never want to eat dried fruit, i.e. mangoes and papayas ever again. Only really liked the sculptures of cadavers doing different things, like riding a horse (also plasticized) or playing basketball or ballet dancing. The rest of the exhibit was repetitive and made me want to further tar my lungs with a cigarette.

2. My career: um, I'm in sales. And not the sale of my body, as in prostitution (maybe you're thinking of "Pretty Woman", Tommy? I haven't seen "Working Girl" in a long time, but I think Melanie Griffith is the ditzy secretary who imparts bits of street-smart wisdom to harried business professionals, a la Dolly Parton in "9 to 5"), but the sale on online ad space for Careerbuilder. I don't want to talk about it much more since it makes me a bit depressed, so if you have questions about what it's like to work in sales, I'd like Rudy to field those.

3. I'm going to have a party on Sunday and so far, it's me and Katie. And possibly Mulligan, if I can steal her away from the lakehouse. I'm driving up to Wisconsin tonight after work to do the family thing, blah blah, then I'll be home Sunday afternoon. I'm planning on just living in my bathing suit this weekend, then driving home in it, and then setting up the slip n' slide, if I can figure out the intricate hose system at my house. Usually my plans for parties or activities never come to fruition anyway, at least in blogworld, so this is all tentative at the moment. Be it 3 people or 30, this may be the last party I have while I live at my parents' house. That means carefree destruction! J/k, maybe just rough it up a little bit.

4. Ben and I watched the latest episodes of "Entourage" last night, and now that I'm all caught up and freshly obsessed (again), I kind of want to figure out a place to watch the season finale on Sunday night. Who has HBO? Or who has Tivo so that I could watch it later in the week? I'm sure my brother has comcast but I think he's staying up at the lakehouse with Danielle and I'd feel kind of weird breaking in his apartment to use his digicable to watch "Entourage" and then leaving. Plus, there's this possible party coinciding with the showtime. Oh, what to do, what to do?

5. I'm in love with bold-ing things. Also, italics are fun too. Those stylistic do-hickeys are really the only way to get sarcasm and intonation across in blogworld. Am I right? See how commanding that is? God, I love it.

6. Some tweens just bought three mags: TeenPeople (with Chad Michael Murray on the cover; read it); the new J-14 (every cool tween star ever on the cover; haven't read it: dammit!) and some mag called M that I had never heard of. I asked the tween with the wallet what it was ("Is it like YM or something") and she said in a monotone voice, "Dunno." Throughout the entire transaction, she has zero tone in her voice and acted like my questions were fucking teeth extractions. This is my problem with tweens lately. I always say hi to the gf's when they come into the store, and sometimes they don't even say hi back, as if I didn't even say anything. Granted, adults do this too, but I can blame that on inadequate hearing. Tweens? Pure attitude.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger Tommie Shefsky said...

SO I haven't even read your blog yet, but I had to post that there is an authentic Barb in the store right now. Her friend said "Let's go in here- come on Barb" YESSS!

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Tommie Shefsky said...

1. Totally agree with bodyworld. I got tired of seeing livers, livers with cancer, yadayadayada. I didn't even care that much about the bodies, except for their strange plasticized and sometimes quartered asian cocks. Did you see the plasticized vag? Did they need to glue the hair back on?

2. Totally get the same thing from tweens. Sometimes they think you're cool, rarely, but mostly they treat you like you're their parents or a teacher. Tween girlfriends, I'm down. Please don't deny me your have all the power, I worship you. STEAL IF YOU WANT!

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an authority on cadavers, this was an incredibly important exhibit for me.

It was necessary to glue the pubic hair on because that is how a true cadaver looks.

p.s. see ya at the LTHS reunion in 2010! I'll be wearing my easter-print scrubs

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back! wondering where you've been for a while...

do NOT go to BodyWorks if you're already repulsed by it...people will keep telling you it's "amazing" and a "must-see" but seriously, if you think it's gross, don't go.

we'll meet again soon, don't worry. I was thinking about coming down to FL for Halloween & kappa kraziness (stupid hippies with all their fucking k's) but I sort of made a bunch of commitments to be Jem for halloween.

one of them is to a girl I babysit for, and she decided to "let me be Jem" and she's just going to be Jerrica, Jem's was like the greatest moment of my life

anyways, I would like to come to FL, not for at least for a few months though, since I just started this career and whatnot

p.p.s. why do I have to have the cancer? You're of course Bette, but if this is just because I have brown hair, I demand a re-count!

p.p.s.s. how about I get to be Mayim Bialik when they're kids, you can be grown-up Bette, and I'll be the...uh, nerdy awkward Bette? we'll switch identities for the different time periods, it'll be just like "big business" and we'll get the best of both worlds

At 10:22 PM, Blogger SES said...

buy it! it's worth it, I promise you


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