Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tu te permets beaucoup de choses

Again, since I don't speak French, I stole a phrase-a-day calendar from my bookstore. The translation is "You take too many liberties", literally: you allow yourself a lot of things.

I'm horrified I missed Bloc Party. I even brought my dancing shoes to work.

I should never have pre-purchased tickets and then gotten a career.

I thought maybe by tonight's showtime, my cousin would have called me back. For the last two weeks, I'd left her a trillion messages concerning the Brit invasion of Bloc Party tonight, and I even reserved tickets for us when Steph alerted blogworld about BP at HOB. Now the tickets sit coldly at the reservation desk, and inside every one is crazy and dancing and freaking out, and I am...blogging. And enraged that I am missing it, and wasted x amount of dollars on two tickets to a show I couldn't go to.

I'm mad at my stupid career too, and mad that no one at O'Hare Internat'l Airport knows how to direct me from the El to Remote Parking Lot E, where I had to pick up the Mannheim bus in order to get back to LGP. It was door-to-door a two hour commute, and the entire time I was depressed I wasn't going to Bloc Party tonight. Like, what the fuck? Had this been a normal day and I wasn't in retarded new hire training where we eat tacos for lunch and compete for xeroxed dollar bills when answering sales technique questions, I could have been blogging all day (maybe) in my boring gray cubicle and figured out that others were going. I would have even had an extra ticket. I would have been in careerwear but whatevs, I'm sure there are other career-o's who love BP.

I hate my career. It's separated me from things I love, and if this happens again, I'm quitting. Or demanding that I'm allowed to leave early when I have tickets to a show; I think that's reasonable.

My only solace is top forty music, so I guess I'll cry and listen to Avril Lavigne tonight.

Just kidding, I'm staying away from music tonight since I'm too bummed to even hear anything. Steph, will you tell me how it was?


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...either I've been drunk for too long or Tommy wrote that last comment, pretending to be me (pshh, who wouldn't?)

I'll give you the real synopsis on the concert:
Missed the first two bands (partially because of time contraints, but mostly by choice). Bloc Part was good, but no unbelievable. It was a fun concert though. However, seeing as they only have one album, the set was short. They played I think 2 new songs (?) but I could have taken another half hour or so of bloc partying. So what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't be upset for missing the concert because it'll probably be much better to see them after they have another album out.

P.S. Your legs look plastic. You must shave them. And that's wierd.

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only wish those were my legs, bc then I'd be walking around in white satin ballroom shoes. You think my legs are that tanorexic?

my friend Larry said the first time he saw Bloc Party, the last time they were in Chicago, it was kind of a weak show. I looked at the tour link on their website and they're touring night after night for months, which I think of course would lead to not such rowsing show.

agree with your analysis that they'll be better after a new album but still wish I could have gone.

I think I'm not talking to my cousin at thanksgiving because of this.

p.s. that was totally tommy. no one else would reference an uncle tom fag


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