Tuesday, September 06, 2005

calling all gf's!

Showtime, Synergy! Halloween will soon be upon us, girlfriends, and we need to get our act together. I suggest we hit Cleo Boutique in DT LG ASAP. Did you catch that? In Ben-speak, that's "downtown LaGrange as soon as possible." I have a feeling stuff will be flying off the shelves (and out of the window display!) if we don't go soon.

Here we are. !! I still kind of wish I could be Kimber, but according to Lainey, I have to be Jem. No prob, just don't have a fluff-tastic wig...god, I want big hair so bad!

This is who we'll be fighting. And if the Misfits don't actually show up where we are, we'll just fight other people.

I'm gonna make it with Rio on Halloween. He has purple hair, and he's magically synergistic. See that sparkle when we kiss? We're superstars!

Wow, I'm a huge loser. I can't believe I blogged about a billion people to death, and now have moved on to my own blog.

Partly, I'm excited about Halloween bc: 1) it's my fav holiday of the year; 2) we just got these weird crappy Halloween toys at Anderson's and I've had to work on "Halloween displays" all day, so I'm kind of excited about that; and 3) ghost stories!

Alright, I'm done blogging (maybe) for the day since everyone else is either a) dead or b) pretend dead, since they're scared of my death-by-blogging tactics.


At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you, katie, maura should be j and the h's, and steph, KB, and jesslyn should be the misfits.

i'll be synergy (i'll just call you all on your cell phones a lot and speak with a breathy ethereal kind of voice.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you, katie, maura should be j and the h's, and steph, KB, and jesslyn should be the misfits.

i'll be synergy (i'll just call you all on your cell phones a lot and speak with a breathy ethereal kind of voice.

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to get a purple wig or you're not allowed anywhere in the viscinity of Chicago.

seriously, you have no hair now. How can you possibly pull off Rio, the purple part is the most important.

p.s there's FOUR holograms vs. THREE misfits. I'm ashamed to know you, Tommy.

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the cell phone part will be acceptable. But then, why don't you just go as Kitt from Knight Rider if you're not showing up for Halloween?

Or Charlie from Charlie's Angels?

I almost wanted to wear a pantsuit this Halloween, but I think I'll save that for a normal day.

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if anyone was confused what I was writing about, it was the suburban gf's as Jem & the Holograms for Halloween...

we've been planning this since pre-YourUP, when me, Katie, and Maura promised Lainey we would all be the Holograms for Halloween.

I don't even know what's going on for Halloween; just updating that the suburban gf's need to get it togetha (and see what's happenin) and go to CLEO if we're going to be The Holograms.

...but since Katie and Maura have made scattered and unreliant appearances in blogworld as of late, it just sounded like a lot of confusing babble...


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