real fact #170 from my snapple:
In 1878, the first telephone book ever issued contained only 50 names. Wow, that's a factoid to impress your friends. To be among the 50 names must leave you feeling like hot shit. There were probably no Z's. And only 7 Smith's, as opposed to the hundreds in a normal phone book.
But let's get to the good stuff. Maybe you've seen this already, but an "article" in this week's US Weekly was "How Much Do Stars Really Weigh?" Where they got this scoop will remain a mystery, since normals don't even like to reveal their weight, let alone celebrities. And tabloids are only perpetuating the skinny myth in helping these stars out by shaving or adding a few lbs here and there. Sheryl Crow? To the specific poundage of 103? No way. And Nicole Richie? The media wishes she'll hit 90 lbs. Also unbelievable that Mariah Carey outweighs Tyra.
<--check out the sidebar: "Stars' Pressure to Be Thin" especially fitting with the subject matter.
--> this is my favorite page: "If Stars Were Like Us", with "normal" versions of Paris Hilton and Jessica Alba. What kind of computer program adds fat to images of people? That sounds fun.
I'm getting tired of being patient with Lindsay Lohan. I used to have a soft spot for her and her drunken antics; even during her gross skinny phase, I didn't mind her too much. But with new hair comes new attitude. I'm sick of her blowing kisses: has she read any tabloids in the last 50 years? That's not an original pose. And why is she having sex with Benicio Del Toro? This will not get Wilmer Valderama back (whose mystique I also don't understand). She'll be in a cocaine scandal like Kate Moss' very soon.
Ackkk! This is what I suspect Tori Spelling's boobs will look like in 15 years...hers may be even further separated than Donatella Versace's. Sorry for making this picture so gigantic; if you look closely, you can see her skin cells crying.
<--This is the zoom-out version of the above photo, equally as heinous. Plus, J-Lo's been added, which brings any picture's quality down immensely.
So in combination with all these celeb pictures, I have two sitings that I'm twice removed from: my brother was in LA recently and was on the same Southwest flight as the Game. He claims they made eye contact, but I'm having doubts. Second, he was at some LA place like In n' Out Burger and, in his words, "fought for ice at the ice machine with Eva Longoria." He said she was a midget, which I completely believe, but I don't care too much about her. Typically, my only celeb siting is for someone I also don't care about: Finola Hughs, the British stepmom from "Blossom" whose also in "Staying Alive."