Thursday, November 15, 2007

Haven't fallen in a while

I was reflecting today on how I haven't fallen in a while, and how much I have fallen in the past. It's something of a comforting certainty in my life, where as much like when you get your hair cut, you know that won't be the last time you're getting your hair cut (unless you're aiming for a Guinness Record); it will happen again, and again, and again. Life seems like a series of repetitive actions which you occasionally spice up, i.e. parting your hair on the left instead of the right. But whenever I fall, I know further on in the future, I'll be falling again. So I've compiled, with the assistance of Google on these high-quality images, some memorable falls:

I don't quite remember falling in Brussels, but feel pretty confident I laid on the cobblestone plaza for a minute or two of dramatic effect. I had a welt on my ass the size of a CD the next morning.

This is shadow-box me falling down the ramp of a ride at the St. Helen's fest, big winding arm propellers and an Equal packet or two flying out of my purse.

Other "Greatest Hits of Falling" include my seventh grade wipeout on LG Rd, when a driver pulled over honking and yell-asked if I was okay. Though worse embarrassment was felt in wearing the same Old Navy shirt the same day as another girl, my pride stung more than my tailbone. Also included is the "fall up" phenomenon, which has occured up many a high school stairwell, cement steps, escalator, spiral staircase, basically any structure joining one floor to the next.

I cannot calculate to what percentage alcohol and idiocy play a part in my frequent falling. I would guess slim to none.
