Friday, August 04, 2006

should Harry Potter die?

Presumably the richest authors in America, Stephen King and John Irving, are begging the richest author in all the world, JK Rowling, not to kill off Harry Potter in the series' seventh and final book. King referenced Sherlock Holmes, who was killed off by Arthur Conan Doyle but later resurrected when fans pressured Doyle for more stories featuring the fictional detective. From, Rowling talked about the conclusion of the series: “We’re working towards the end I always planned but a couple of characters I expected to survive have died and one character got a reprieve,” she said, declining to elaborate. She also mentioned that “I understand why an author would kill a character from the point of view of not allowing others to continue writing after the original author is dead,” she added, leaving the door open to the worst fears of some fans — that Harry could die.

AND if Harry died, the actor who plays him, Daniel Radcliffe, certainly won't be dead-ended: he's going on to star in a nude scene in a British play later this year. Gross! Does he even have pubes?

Since blogworld has kind of been resurrected, I thought I would ask, for those of you who read Harry Potter, and don't deny that you do, which two characters do you think are going to get killed off? Or don't bother to respond, since that's basically a plea for comments. I'm kind of thinking Ron might die, after pledging his love to Hermione, who responds that she's a lesbian, and then of course, Voldemort bites it. He better. And I agree with Irving and King that Harry should live, but Rowling's comments lead me to believe that she's planned for Harry to die all along. I also think it's funny that these two authors are so passionate about Harry Potter books. Maybe they even go to those conventions where people dress up like Death Eaters and drink butterbeer.