LOOOOOVE, exciting and new
I found these on some weirdo's myspace page, and they kind of made me laugh...but more so because they reminded me of this series of books we found in Dacia's garage attic that featured little black baby portraits with horribly racist captions from the 50's. And they were trying to be cute, but when it has a dumbfounded-looking baby staring into the camera with a few sentences about how he's straight off the cotton-picking farm, well, the "cuteness" turns "pro-segregation." Does anyone remember these? Kristin and Will, I'm looking to you.
I love how they kind of look like Precious Moments figurines, it's just their moments aren't so precious.
And how they're always naked, like naked dad in the hospital or naked girl walking down the street with nothing on but a purse...
This one's my favorite.
Come to think of it, I think there was a "Love Is..." book in Dacia's GA, but it wasn't nearly as funny as the black baby portraits, just disgustingly sappy. There were piles of her parents' old National Geographic magazines and old books...it was a goldmine for historial inaccuracy!