I got a ride home from my brother's friends Paul Combs and Bill O'Brien--we all live in the burbs and slept on Dave and Chris' couch last night. Actually, not really...I thought i was going to be able to sleep on the couch, but they both passed out about 2 or 3 am and of course, the sun was coming up and birds were chirping (and Chris and Danielle started throwing beer at each other in a violent, domestically awkward manner--the rest of the hangers-on [Steve Forsythe, Danny Foster, Margi Faydash and Chris Cahill] booked out asap) when I decided I was "sleeping" on the recliner. Mostly, my brain quieted down for two hours or so, and then I woke up and me and Bill watched "Gone in 60 Seconds" on direct tv. I have to rent it or something and watch it more seriously, bc I was reading my new favorite mag, Twist, while semi-paying attention, but I was still predicting retarded plot twists. It was still a Hollywood-manufactured movie, but not as intensely plotted as "Fast as the Furious 1 or 2" but I'm a fan of Nicolas Cage. Strange, but I like that he's a weirdo and doesn't seem to care and Hollywood is completely accepting of his bizarro status. My mom always thought he could play the ultimate serial killer, but I think he plays the ultimate "normal"--some semi-average Joe who has all these weird mannerisms. But doesn't everyone you know have their one strange thing that everyone has to accept bc that's part of them? Anyways, I want to get to that title I put in: we were talking about anagrams on the way home and I tossed out ones I had read in Uncle John's Bathroom Reader before (racecar, a man a plan a canal panama, etc) and Paul claimed he invented this one about lunchmeat and italian cuisine but it doesn't work. He swore it did but when I asked for a piece of paper in the car, he mysteriously didn't have one. Just kidding; I really asked for a piece of paper so I could write it down and name my post this since I knew it was too weird and I'd forget. imalasagnahoggoangasalami would be it, right? I don't know, I didn't think his self-invented acronymn worked when we were in the car, but we were practically pulling up to my house at this point, so I let it slide.
BUT I did learn a whole lot this weekend, almost too much, so I have to condense it to a numerical format or I'll be here all night! Or at least until early morning. I guess I have to start with some quotes I've come across I want to include:
"What is the essence of our America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom 'to' and freedom 'from'."
--Marilyn Vos Savant [she has a column in Parade that I look forward to every Sunday; I think she's in the Guiness Book as the person with the highest IQ? Or she's up there. She's on the same level as Amy Dickinson, of Ask Amy in Tempo, for me: I love them, and so appreciate their opinions. Today, somebody asked Marilyn how much political correctness figures into her Ask Marilyn? column on a scale of 1 to 10 and Marilyn replied, Probably a 2. She gives the best answers ever, and at the moment, she's my immediate idol]
"Did you ever wonder why you wander what you wonder about? I wouldn't wonder about it too much, otherwise you may get yourself caught up in a bunch of jubberish-like nonsense...but then again, it makes you wonder."
--Socrates [supposedly this is attributed to Socrates...personally, I can't see how. Did the word "jibberish-like" exist in the classical era of philosophy? I don't know, the concept seems like his, but the words seem like somebody more...modern. But I often find myself thinking how thoughts get in my head, ever since a poetry teacher I once had gave our class an assignment to write about why we thought we thought like we do. The short answer is bc I'm Sarah and I have a backstory plus environmental, socioeconomic, and physical history that doesn't even match student Joe B sitting two seats away from me--there may be similarities but there really aren't two people exactly alike...unless we start cloning more than sheep, ahhh!]
"Usher's 3 Rules for Dating: 1.
Don't get hung up. 'There are a million and one other guys out there who are great candidates for friends or boyfriends.' 2.
Make him earn you. 'Guys like a girl who's going to pursue them--you can't make it too easy!' 3.
Be a young lady. 'If he can't respect that, then he won't respect you and he's not the person for you.'"
--U-S-H-E-R R-A-Y-M-O-N-D (baby tell me what you wanna do)
[this came from Twist mag, my new favorite, almost better than Star, which I'll still read for "adult" celebrity info, but this tween mag is pretty close on its heels. It's tag is "Your stars, your stories!" so basically they fixate on celebs, mostly tween celebs, but I'm onboard already, and
then the Twist writers apply quotes, stories, pics, interviews of these stars into
them helping you the reader make decisions about your life! I learned for example that: I'm a 'dangerous diva' as opposed to a 'laidback lady' in the 'are you a heartbreaker?' section; my 'perfect boyfriend' is 'football guy' (i.e. Chad Michael Murray from One Tree Hill); and that developmentally, I'm very compatible with Joel Madden from Good Charlotte, except of course,
hello, he's dating Hilary Duff (Twist calls her "Hils"). Wow. I'll talk more about this soon.]
1. I realize I feel way connected to a couple people I met over the weekend but I can't give you any of their last names. Does that matter to me? No. Does the connection matter? Totally!
a) Amanda: I met her when she kept running into Anderson's during HeritageFest in DG. Her mom was working a booth directly across the street, and Amanda was 9 turning 10 this summer, but I swear to god, about equally as cool as anyone I know, last name or first name notwithstanding. We started dishing about celebs, and of course I had to get her opinions on who she thought was cool and not cool. When I asked about Lindsay Lohan and she replied, "Disgusting. She's like gross now" I immediately gave her a girlfriend high-five. That's all I needed to know. What I discovered though, as we read through J-14 ('Just for teens'--get it? ha ha...ha) and Twist (way better than Twist bc of the aforementioned humanizing/normalizing style their writers adapt in presenting the celebs), I realized we had about the same level of celeb/pop culture knowledge. Did I tell you she's 9? Oh, and she guessed that I was 17. Ah ha, that was my golden bday year and a very memorable time, but when I told her I was actually (ahem) 22, she goes, "WHAAAtt?" She was awesome. I told her mom (who was also way cool, but actually had to work her booth so only came to visit a few times during my shift) that Amanda and I wanted to go see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" movie together (again, don't tell anyone else I kind of want to see that...more bc I know I liked "Now and Then" and I've heard this is even better than that, cheese factor=high, but I did talk about liking "Gone in 60 Seconds" earlier). Then I kind of thought in my head, yikes Sarah, you did just meet them today and that's her daughter--would
you want your daughter hanging out at the movies with a 22 year old who acts 9? But they didn't act weird, I just realized I should probably tone it down. Amanda will probably stop in this week; she just moved to DG from Westmont and is still trying to meet kids so she doesn't arrive in 5th grade like, the new girl.
1.5 Ben: I actually know Ben's last name, bc he's my Saturday co-worker at Anderson's but we hadn't talked since I got home from Europe and I forgot how much I love talking with him. And not just bc he tolerated my mania, but bc he understood it, and we talked about Scientology and psychology and billions of things, and I'm glad to be back at my store. I don't know if he counts thought technically since I know his last name.
2. Eric: I met him waiting to take the last train into Union station last night at LG Rd.
I think I'll continue later since Katie just got off and we're going to see "Lords of Dogtown." I can't wait to check out Carmel's future son-in-law!